Sculpting/modelling: new Boundary brush manipulates the edges of meshes 雕塑/建模:齐新的边缘笔刷 .这次宣告借有一款介于雕塑战硬概况建模之间的一款工具:Boundary brush,用于对于模子边缘妨碍一些编纂操做:好比对于袖管边缘的3D服饰妨碍卷边;或者是对于其余模子边缘妨碍扩大,缩短或者修正。
体积化:可能操做删改器到体积化模子。 Although the Volume Object started out as a way to import simulations from other 3D software for rendering, in Blender 2.91, it is possible to do more to OpenVDB assets. 体积化工具工具最后是为了将其余3D硬件中的模拟解算导进,以便渲染用的。可是正在Blender 2.91中,已经可能做更多OpenVDB的资产编纂操做了。
管线整开:进一步改擅老本库拆穿困绕战Alembic的反对于性 Blender’s library override system, ultimately intended to replace the old proxy system, has been growing steadily since it was first introduced in Blender 2.81. 正在Blender 2.81版本中,老本库拆穿困绕系统的引进是为了交流条旧的proxy系统。正在2.91中最新的改擅收罗一键转换proxy工具为拆穿困绕,而且当库内的ID战.blend文件关连产去世修正时,自动更去世拆穿困绕。
Release date and system requirements 宣告日期战系统要供 Blender 2.91 系统要供Windows 7+, macOS 10.13+ and Linux. 收费下载。